Sunday, October 26, 2008

Heading towards the end...

So life after the premiere has been hectic but good!
We have after that had two shows at two different schools here in Likoni, the first one was ok but a bit messy because the conditions changed all the time, so instead of being inside we had to be outside in the sun on top of graveled ground! But to the next show they had learned from the first and took the changed conditions very good and did a show that impressed both me and Bjorn!
So our work here starts to pay of, they start to get the point of preparing and flexibility. There is still alot of work to be done but they are definitely on their way towards an artistic life! Now they have the basics, they just have to start building up all the acts, rehearse them, put more skill inside and they will be able to make a living!
Off course this is not for the entire group, like in all groups there is a few that doesn't keep the standard up. But I hope they will keep fighting, find their place in the group or leave... Feels mean to say but I think all big groups are like that in the beginning!
So except rehearsing for shows we have continued our normal classes, Bjorn with dance acro and me in clown, make up and so on...
And we suddenly just have two weeks left. It scares me a bit, there is so much I want to do and some much things I wan to teach before I go. I don't feel ready to go so soon!
And outside of teaching we still spend a lot of time on the beach, and with the students that we came close to.
Next weekend we are off to Nairobi, to visit some family of mine! It's gonna be great to travel outside Mombasa for a couple of days, but it feels sad that we already had our last weekend in Mombasa, for this time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...