Sunday, October 26, 2008

Heading towards the end...

So life after the premiere has been hectic but good!
We have after that had two shows at two different schools here in Likoni, the first one was ok but a bit messy because the conditions changed all the time, so instead of being inside we had to be outside in the sun on top of graveled ground! But to the next show they had learned from the first and took the changed conditions very good and did a show that impressed both me and Bjorn!
So our work here starts to pay of, they start to get the point of preparing and flexibility. There is still alot of work to be done but they are definitely on their way towards an artistic life! Now they have the basics, they just have to start building up all the acts, rehearse them, put more skill inside and they will be able to make a living!
Off course this is not for the entire group, like in all groups there is a few that doesn't keep the standard up. But I hope they will keep fighting, find their place in the group or leave... Feels mean to say but I think all big groups are like that in the beginning!
So except rehearsing for shows we have continued our normal classes, Bjorn with dance acro and me in clown, make up and so on...
And we suddenly just have two weeks left. It scares me a bit, there is so much I want to do and some much things I wan to teach before I go. I don't feel ready to go so soon!
And outside of teaching we still spend a lot of time on the beach, and with the students that we came close to.
Next weekend we are off to Nairobi, to visit some family of mine! It's gonna be great to travel outside Mombasa for a couple of days, but it feels sad that we already had our last weekend in Mombasa, for this time...

Saturday, October 18, 2008


After a week of hectic preparations, the YWCA clowns made the first performance in the annual meeting of the YWCA Mombasa. The show went great, and everyone appreciated the new skills that the youth has acquired in our training.
It seems that three more weeks is little to short a time for the training and it puts more emphasis on the continuation phase after we have left. Hopefully we have given enough knowledge for the training to keep on for a while and also there are surely skills that can be taught between the youth and from other people that live here.
The weather is humid and hot as usual and we try to go to the beach to cool down, but the last week hasn't left much time for beach life. It's amazing to see the development in some of the youth, who themselves seem genuinely surprised at what they have been able to learn. Some who were all ready at a high level on our arrival may not be surprised but hopefully inspired. I'm pleased to say that despite the fact that none of the youth could juggle before, everyone can now handle at least three balls. Some of them are already better jugglers than us. So everything is alright hakuna matata over and out for now

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Soon about to perform!

We are getting results...
It was a great idea to make everyone choose the discipline they want to work on, this week a big part of the group really grew and they took a step forward in the world as artists. We still struggle with some of them but I guess it will always be like that. Everyone doesn't find their place directly.
The week has been good except for one acro class... It was not the easiest to do some more advanced acro on a concrete floor... We all almost died... ha, ha.. But we fixed it by having the next acro class on the beach! As a Swedish citizens you kind of forget that the beach is a perfect option when you only have a concrete floor to work on, and no crash mats.
So while we are breeding jugglers, acrobats and magicians we start to really get into the life in Mombasa. We stopped paying mzungo (white) prices, or at least we try, and we dare to do things on our own! It's funny because everyone is always warning us for everyone else... They are all so suspicious, they say that they are very nice but you never know about the others. But we never noticed anything bad in anyone so far, everyone is very nice even though they try to over charge us. But I can understand it, I would probably have done the same if I was in their shoes.


Sunday, October 5, 2008

1/3 done...

Two weeks done and the "real" work is about to start!
So as you probably know we have now worked with the group for two weeks, first week basics and last week more focus on circus and stage presence. And now for next week everyone will choose what they want to focus on and we will start building the show that will start the process of performance! It will be on the 18/10, it's the national meeting of YWCA Kenya/Mombasa. It's quit something to start with!
SO far the group is developing really good and fast, it's so fun to work with them! It really challenges me in my work, also in the aspect of culture. For example an exercise that I do with my students at home is about territory, but I can't do it here because they don't have any personal territory like we do! Or off course they do, but not as big as we have in Sweden and that is kind of the idea with the exercise!
We've been doing quit a lot of acrobatics and pair acrobatics so most of the students have really sore body's... And for me that is a good sign!

The days here pass quit fast, when we don't work or plan our work we are at the beach... We found a small paradise beach just next to where we live!
Yesterday we went dancing on a club that Jeff, from the group, work at as a DJ. It was a lot of fun, but as white people dancing you get more attention than you want...

Over and out for this time!
