Tuesday, September 30, 2008

First week of teaching

SO at last we started working for real.
Beginning by trying a lot of basic circus- techniques, trusting- games and group- exercises.
After the two first days with a lot of late arrivals and a bit of over- excitement and lack of focus; In the third day we managed to communicate the importance of punctuality and focus and it has been working since.
The group has a lot of talent and skills and it seems that the most important thing for us is to build a method and a framework for the continuous work with the group.
What we will eventually try to shape is one big show and a few small ones + the ability to lead workshops for both kids and adults and to combine these abilities with the information and out- reach- work about HIV/Aids.
It seems that we Bjorn, Anna and Johan make a good team with our different abilities and approaches both professionally and privately and though it's certainly a challenge we believe in a successful outcome of the project.
Life here is now slipping in to some kind of daily routine where we get up at 7.30 eat breakfast at 8 wash ourselves and our clothes and prepare for class or going to town or the beach. Teaching starts either at 9 am or 1 pm and afterward we take a walk or a tuktuk to the beach for a swim. Back home we shower hang the laundry play cards or watch freaks and geeks on Johans computer. In the weekends we will probably try to find alternative beaches make excursion to other places and hanging out with the students.
Now we have to take the ferry back to Likoni to teach. Later!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Preparation week

So, the first week in Mombasa is done. Josefin left and tomorrow we start to work.
This first week has been wonderful, the people from YWCA has greeted us with open arms and they showed almost all the work they do here in Mombasa with surroundings. We visited schools, where they put music, dance and drama in focus of learning and giving out information. We have met groups of women, where YWCA supports them with micro loans so they can expand and grow in their businesses. We met support groups of women infected of HIV/Aids, and we heard a lot of heartbreaking and/but strengthening life stories.
We also shortly met the group of youths we are gonna work with, and we've seen some of their work. And they are great! It's gonna be amazing to work with them and I think we will learn a lot from them as well...
We have been blessed (as they say here) with a guy called Johan (or Johanna, as the say here...) who is an intern from YWCA/YMCA Sweden and he is gonna help us during this two months and he is also gonna try to follow up the work after we (me and Bjorn) left since he is staying another four months!
For me it feels great to have him since Josefin left and it's always a lot of small things that has to be fixed/administrated/documented and so on, that he can help us with so me and Bjorn can focus on what we are here to do!

Other than work, we have been at the beach and in town! The weather is good, not too warm and not cold at all! The water is stupidly warm.. like 30-35 degrees.
We stay at YWCA Likoni which is on the mainland south of Mombasa so we have to take the ferry every time we want to go to town, but it goes all the time and takes 10-15 minutes so it's ok!

The only problem I have so far is that Bjorn is already very suntanned and I'm not...
I'm more "brun utan tvål"...
